Monday, April 4, 2016

Common Personality Traits in Self Made Millionaires.  Each person’s path to wealth may be unique, but there are certain commonalities among the world’s richest people.
After studying the lives of 177 self-made millionaires over the course of five years, author Thomas C. Corley found that they all shared six traits, which he reveals in his upcoming book, “Change Your Habits, Change Your Life.”
How many of these traits do you possess?


“Every wealthy entrepreneur in my study who realized incredible wealth also had passion,” Corley writes.
Passion trumps education, intelligence, skills, and “any other advantage those who lack passion might have in life,” he emphasizes.
“Passion makes work fun. Passion gives you the energy, persistence, and focus needed to overcome failures, mistakes, and rejection. It infuses you with a fanatical tenacity that makes it possible to overcome obstacles and pitfalls that block your path.”


Self-made millionaires are persistent, particularly in the face of failure.
“Twenty-seven percent of the self-made millionaires in my study failed at least once in business,” Corley writes. “And then they picked themselves up and went on to try again.
“Persistence makes you unstoppable,” he continues. “Persistence allows you to learn what doesn’t work and continuously experiment until you find what does work. Persistence is the single greatest contributor to creating good luck. Those who persist, eventually get lucky.”


Focus is key — and it all starts with goal-setting. Not only do wealthy people set annual and monthly goals, but 67% of them put those goals in writing, Corley found.
“Success is a process,” he writes. “It starts by developing a script of the life you desire. This script becomes your blueprint for success. It helps you define your long-term goals. Without a blueprint, without long-term goals, we are like leaves on a fall day, floating in the air aimlessly.”
Rich people also maintain their focus by cutting back on TV and internet time, getting enough sleep, and avoiding procrastination, Corley found.

Work ethic

The wealthiest, most successful people put in more hours — and they have fun doing it.
Corley found that 86% of rich people work an average of 50 or more hours a week, and only 6% of the wealthy people surveyed found themselves unhappy because of work.
Most of them find extra hours before the sun rises. Nearly 50% of the self-made millionaires in Corley’s study woke up at least three hours before their workday actually began.

Desire to learn

While the rich don’t put much stock in furthering wealth through formal education, they appreciate the power of learning long after college is over.
The rich would rather be educated than entertained. As Corley writes, “Eighty-eight percent of the wealthy in my study, long before they struck it rich, formed the daily habit of engaging in 30 minutes or more of self-education reading. This single, simple daily habit alone helped them to increase their cognitive abilities, which contributed to their success much later in life.”


Rich people are not only persistent and patient in the face of adversity, but they’re patient with other people.
They understand the importance of soft skills, good etiquette, and building relationships with other ambitious individuals.
“You have to know how to act and how to do certain things when you’re around people,” Corley writes. At the end of the day, “No one realizes success without a team of other success-minded people.” 
Nelson: Join my team let build wealth together as a team anything is possible!
Each of us is specific in its own way, and each chooses the path will go,
every experience and knowledge helps in overcoming difficulties that arise.

Learn, work, have fun!
"There is no sudden leap into the stratosphere...There is only advancing step by step, slowly and tortuously, up the pyramid toward your goals..."There is no sudden leap into the stratosphere
-Ben Stein

Nelson:  I'll be the first to tell you building an affiliate online business isn't an easy task it take work!  Affiliate Business
is worth doing once you learn the business well and have an active team {5 or more} very good money can be made.
More millionaires are coming out of the affiliate marketing industry than any other!  Meaning yes, it pay well to have your
affiliate online business up and rolling.  Even in colleges & universities their teaching network marketing.

Starting an off-line business {brick & mortar} start-up fee can cost thousands of dollars or Franchise can cost within the thousands of dollars.  Affiliate Marketing is so appealing the cost to start is free or few hundred dollars to start!
About SFI it free to join and you're never obligated to pay any monthly fees.  WE offer tons of free training and the support system is the best in the market.  Plus we are global business.  Meaning when someone buy a service or product from your store;  any where around the world you get paid or in your country you get paid!  It is appealing compare to off-line.

The problem I seen with my team and other members team.  Since it free to join people think hey it free a lot of people will join after me. So I'll make a lot of money on "spill over" profits.  So I'll join and sit-back and wait for the money!

Let me explain 'spill over' that when you get money joining an company first and you make money for whom join after.
We are not that type of company with us you need to work to get paid! Meaning making sales or have a team that buy
standing orders each month and sale or buy at their TC store.  Being non active and hope & luck doesn't work either!

Some people join and wait for a active person join their team or hope their sponsor will give them an active member.

This method of building your business 'be non active' won't work!  If you are very good at social media marketing yes
i seen many members reach the top!  So they don't pay a monthly fee at all.  Also there saleperson  whom are very good in selling TC [tripleclicks] products/services, ECA  product/services or their 'own products and services as a ECA'.

It rare, you can find a member in your team with these skill.  If you are new and have no skill while your learning the skill
build a team like i do.  Doing free advertising as a newbie can take years to see income.

I'm always telling my downline members to invest $15, $29, $36.25 or more into your business each month.
Compare that investment to off-line business that pennies and you get so much more from sfi.

If your a ebay seller we do the same as an ECA member.  Go to my tripleclicks link/banner find out more or contact me I'll send you an link.  Becoming a TC member is totally free.  Just the free marketing education is worth investing $$ per month.    I hope you found this blog helpful thank you for reading.  Nelson Burgos

I rather have will power than be talented. When it come to operating an affiliate marketing business!

"Experience shows that success is due less to ability than to zeal. The winner is he who gives himself to his work, body and soul." -Charles Buxton
Nelson: Anyone can be successful with their SFI business! It not about being smart or talented the secret is 'will power' and 'never stop working your business'! Tip, what you have on hand is a business opportunity not a job or hobby opportunity. Starting your business with the proper mind-set will take you a long way. Some things that sfi isn't
a 'quick money over night get rich program', not a job, clicking for profit program. If you don't work your business like
advertising, marketing, reading lessons each day, logging in each day to gather versa points. BE active member!
Join my team/business: